1. Elizabeth Drexel Lehr, King Lehr and the Gilded Age (Bedford, MA: Applewood Books, 1935), 19.
2. The Newport (RI) Mercury, September 1, 1882, 2.
3. Rockwell Stensrud, Newport: A Lively Experiment: 1639-1969 (London: D Giles Limited, 2015), 376.
4. Deborah Davis, Gilded: How Newport Became America’s Richest Resort (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009), 3.
5. Jon Sterngass, First Resorts: Pursuing Pleasure at Saratoga Springs, Newport, and Coney Island (Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001), 40.
6. Sterngass, First Resorts, 40.
7. Maud Howe Elliott, This Was My Newport (Cambridge, MA: The Mythology Company, 1944), 36.
8. Stensrud, Newport, 324.
9. Francis Marion, “the Swamp Fox” of American Revolutionary War fame, was Sarah’s uncle. Multiple branches of the family named descendants after him.
10. Horatio Gray, Memoirs of Rev. Benjamin C. Cutler, D.D.: Late Rector of St. Ann’s Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. (New York: Anson D.F. Randolph, 1865), 95.
11. Gray, Memoirs of Rev. Benjamin C. Cutler, 95.
12. Ward McAllister’s full name was Samuel Ward McAllister. He was named after his uncle, the famous political figure Samuel “Sam” Ward. If you haven’t noticed already, the Cutlers loved their family names.
13. Louisa Cutler McAllister to Eliza Cutler Francis, April 3 [n.d.], Julia Ward Howe Papers, MS Am 1869, Box 1: 1-2, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
14. Ward McAllister, Society as I Have Found It (New York: Cassell Publishing Company, 1890),15.
15. Sarah Cutler to Eliza Francis, July 8, 1830, in Elliott, This Was My Newport, 44.
16. Stensrud, 324, 327.
17. Elliott, This Was My Newport, 42; and McAllister, Society as I Have Found It, 15.
Rev. Benjamin Clarke Cutler to “Mrs. P.,” a Parishioner of St. Ann’s Church, Brooklyn, July 21, 1834, in Gray, Memoirs of Rev. 18. Benjamin C. Cutler, 149.
19. Elliott, This Was My Newport, 43.
20. Stensrud, Newport, 330.
21. Julia Ward (Howe) to Sam Ward, August 11, 1836, in Elliott, This Was My Newport, 53.
22. Elliott, This Was My Newport, 42.
23. “Cholera Statistics: The Cholera of 1832,” New York Herald, June 13, 1849, 1; “Progress of the Cholera,” New York Herald, July 2, 1849, 2; Edward Warren, Sketch of the Progress of the Malignant or Epidemic Cholera from its Arrival in America (Boston: Carter, Hendee, & Co, 1832), 37, 17.
24. Charles E. Rosenberg, “The Cholera Epidemic of 1832 in New York City,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 33, no. 1 (1959): 40.
25. Louisa Cutler McAllister to Eliza Francis, July 5, 1832, Julia Ward Howe Papers, MS Am 1869, Box 1: 1-2, Houghton Library, Harvard University.
26. Louisa Cutler McAllister to Eliza Francis, July 5, 1832; and U.S. Department of the Army, Office of the Surgeon General, The Cholera Epidemic of 1873 in the United States (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1875), 580.
27. “Absenteeism,” The Southern Press, Washington, D.C., July 23, 1851, 3.
28. Sterngass, First Resorts, 43.
29. “Newport,” The Democratic Advocate, Westminster, MD, Aug. 31, 1889, 1; and Max Elton, “Letter from Newport,” Martinsburg (WV) Herald, July 11, 1885, 2.
30. Stensrud, Newport, 389.
31. Stensrud, Newport, 371.
32. McAllister, Society as I Have Found It, 45.
33. Stensrud, Newport, 329.
34. McAllister, Society as I Have Found It, 68; and CPI Inflation Calculator,
35. The Morning Call, San Francisco, CA, September 7, 1890, 3.
36. McAllister, Society as I Have Found It, 113.
37. “Newport Getting Gay,” Philadelphia Times, July 27, 1890, 7; Rev. Benjamin Clarke Cutler to “Mrs. P.,” July 21, 1834, in Gray, 37. Memoirs of Rev. Benjamin C. Cutler, 149.
38. Harriet Cutler to Sarah Cutler, September 12, 1832, in Elliott, This Was My Newport, 49.
Image Guide: Ward McAllister’s Newport Summers by Emily Parrow
- Ward McAllister
- Ward McAllister’s Picnic at Bayside Farm, from The Illustrated American (1890)
- View of the City of Newport, in The Past and the Present: Narragansett Sea and Shore: An Illustrated Guide to Providence, Newport, Narragansett Pier, Block Island, Watch Hill, Silver Spring and All the Famous Sea-Side Resorts of Rhode Island. By Reverend Frederic Denison (1879)
- Sarah Marion Mitchell Hyrne Cutler
- Louisa Cutler McAllister, Age 64 (1865), California Historical Society Library
- Purgatory Chasm, in The Past and the Present: Narragansett Sea and Shore: An Illustrated Guide to Providence, Newport, Narragansett Pier, Block Island, Watch Hill, Silver Spring and All the Famous Sea-Side Resorts of Rhode Island. By Reverend Frederic Denison (1879)
- From Paradise to Purgatory, William Trost (1878)
- Map of the New York City cholera epidemic “[Map of the New York City cholera epidemic, summer 1832],” Reese, David Meredith, 1800-1861, 1833, Book Stacks, 44325, Tennessee State Library & Archives, Tennessee Virtual Archive,, accessed 2024-05-09.
- Watching a Regatta from Newport’s Castle Hill (1885), Rhode Island Collection, Providence Public Library
- Newport’s Cliff Walk (1885), Rhode Island Collection, Providence Public Library
- Ward McAllister, Seated with Guests at a Picnic, from The Illustrated American (1890)
- Table settings at a Ward McAllister picnic, from The Illustrated American (1890)
- The Last Valley- Paradise Rocks, John La Farge (1867-1868)
- Ward McAllister at an 1890 Picnic, from The Illustrated American (1890)