War between the early English colonists of New England and the Native Americans already here was perhaps unavoidable, though it wasn’t the goal of the Pilgrims when they crossed the Atlantic. But then Mad Jack Oldham changed everything.
John Oldham was an early arrival to the new colony in 1623. He, his wife and his sister arrived aboard the Anne, and religious intentions did not drive him to America. Rather, at age 21, it was ambition that fueled him. He had come to make a fortune in the new world.
Men unaffiliated with the Pilgrim religious cause had come to America “on their particular,” Plymouth’s governor William Bradford would write. Without an affiliation with the Pilgrims, Oldham and others like him agreed to abide by the Pilgrims’ laws. They would pay taxes and participate in defending the burgeoning colony. They would also refrain from trading with the American Indians.
In the Pilgrims’ plan, peaceful trade with the Indians would support their economy. It would provide the profit England wanted, and they had to handle it delicately. Men like Jack Oldham and the other ‘particulars’ were to keep to selling and reselling goods to the settlers in Plymouth and along coastal New England.
Jack Oldham, Troublemaker
Oldham and 10 other “particulars” almost immediately started trouble. Oldham refused to stand watch, provoked Miles Standish and raged at him as a ‘beggarly rascal.’ With little in common with the Pilgrims, Oldham’s pugnacious nature came to define him.
Shortly after arriving, Oldham and other malcontents wrote to England of their complaints against the Pilgrims. He criticized the new, godly world they were trying to construct. And he complained of their religious practices, the bad water, thievery in the community and too many mosquitoes.
Bradford intercepted Oldham’s letters. When they were shipped to England a reply to the complaints from Bradford accompanied them. He wrote a point-by-point rebuttal and the sarcastic observation that men like Oldham were “too delicate and unfit to begin new plantations and colonies . . . till at least they be mosquito-proof.”
Jack Oldham was furious when he learned Bradford had intercepted his letters, and his angry and quarrelsome nature sealed his fate.
While the Pilgrims needed manpower and knew there was strength in numbers, they weren’t desperate enough to need a man like Oldham. They banished him from Plymouth in 1624. At first, Oldham flourished under his new freedom. Liberated from the Pilgrims’ taxes and rules, he settled at Nantasket and would go on to be one of the founders of Wethersfield, Conn.
He traded profitably with the Indians, as well as other settlers, and even gained positions in Massachusetts’ early government. But his demeanor got the best of him. Fellow outcast Thomas Morton described him as “a mad jack in his mood.”
In July 1636, American Indians, probably Narragansetts, waylaid his ship on a trading trip to Block Island. They killed Jack Oldham and several members of his crew. His two nephews returned to land.
The death of Mad Jack Oldham was a flashpoint in the ongoing friction between some of the Indians and the colonists over trade and other matters.
The Narragansetts convinced the colonists that the Pequot tribe harbored the Indians who killed Jack Oldham. Though it was perfectly plausible that Jack Oldham provoked the fight that killed him, ministers throughout Massachusetts spoke out against the murders. Massachusetts Governor John Endecott was ordered to retaliate.
Ninety men invaded Block Island, and killed one Indian there. Thus started the Pequot War, which wouldn’t end until 1638.
This story was updated in 2022.
Brother of my ancestor Lucretia, wife of Jonathan Brewster.
I’m a direct descendant of his, cousin.
Without Myles Standish the war might have been lost. His actions were the first acts of genocide in the New World.
[…] August 8, 1879 at the Sprague family summer home in Narragansett Pier, Sprague caused a stir – to put it mildly. He was seen running through the town threatening […]
[…] to Governor John Endecott, Hartley describes how the southern colony managed to deal with a common […]
[…] the raucous fighting in the Connecticut River Valley, Passaconaway urged a policy of peaceful coexistence in the […]
[…] a freelancer, Stone was half trader and half pirate, traveling between England, America and the Indies wreaking havoc as he went. He was, at one point, […]
[…] the Pequot War, people in Massachusetts sent captured Indians to the West Indies in exchange for African slaves. […]
I am a direct descendant of “Mad Jack” Oldham. The Oldhams actually went on to be a very reputable family in Kentucky and Mississippi.
I am a direct descendant of John “Mad Jack” Oldham. He is my 8th great grandfather.
And so are we, so hello cousin. Was able to visit Block Island a few years ago and locate the marker on the beach commemorating the murder. I’d rather be the descendant of a colorful scoundrel than of the uppity Standish. HaHa.
[…] settlers had tried to enslave Indians in 1636 and 1637, capturing them after they lost the Pequot War. The Indians made lousy slaves, however, as the Puritans complained they would 'not endure the […]
[…] Pynchon probably heard about the River Valley’s fertile open lands from Edward Winslow of Plimoth Plantation. Indians had come to Plimoth and Boston in 1631 to hype the Connecticut River to the Puritans. The Indians wanted to trade with the English settlers, and they viewed the English as potential allies against the Pequots. […]
[…] Conn., originally belonged to Saybrook, which came under attack by Indians during the Pequot War. When the Pequot threat ended, about 40 families moved to West Saybrook to an area known by the […]
There’s nothing to indicate in history that he was a scoundrel. Only that the religious people didn’t like him. Usually Scoundrels are not the founders of towns and he was also the first to blaze many trails through New England. Furthermore they weren’t his nephews it’s believed there were his children. They’re is reference to them in a biography at the time as “his boys”.
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