The Maine Historical Society blog sheds some light. Hot topics included religious instruction and sermons, Masonic rites, practical lessons for living and military preparedness and true stories of survival and adventure. In addition, the Society’s collection gives some idea of where publishing was taking place in Maine during the late 1700s. The collection consists of 657 titles published between 1772 and 1845. “Most of the collection consists of sermons, orations, discourses, and church publications…Occasionally something surprising (and salacious) will turn up, such as: “Report of the trial of Jacob Cochrane : on sundry charges of adultery, and lewd and lascivious conduct,” printed in Kennebunk by James K. Remich in 1819. Cochrane, founder of Free Brethren and Sisters, a religious society opposed to marriage, was found guilty of seducing Eliza Hill…” Insert your own Zumba joke.
What Were Maine Publishers Producing in the Nation’s Infancy?