Home Massachusetts Rogues, Hucksters and Prudes: 12 Memorable Boston Mayors

Rogues, Hucksters and Prudes: 12 Memorable Boston Mayors


[jpshare]With Boston electing only its fourth new mayor in 45 years, it’s easy to forget the rogues, hucksters, visionaries and prudes who were called ‘Mistah Mayah’ in decades past. We thought we’d refresh your memory – or give you an introduction – to some  notable Boston mayors.

fitzthumbJohn Fitzgerald, “Honey Fitz,” a “charming, impish, affable lover of people,” was the first Irish-American mayor of Boston. His gift of gab was known as Fitzblarney, and his followers were known as “dearos,” short for the “dear old North End.” He was elected to a two-year term in 1906, defeated for reelection, then won two more elections in 1910 and 1912. His career as mayor ended when his affair came to light with a young lady named “Toodles” who worked at a casino dance hall. In 1914, James Michael Curley wanted to be mayor, and he announced that he would hold a series of lectures about “Great Lovers in History, From Cleopatra to Toodles.” Fitzgerald announced his retirement, but not from politics: He served for a short stint in Congress in 1919 and campaigned for his grandson and namesake, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, in 1946. Photo: Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection

collinsthumbJohn Collins in 1959 was registrar of probate and not expected to beat the powerful Senate president, John Powers, for the open mayor’s office. Collins, though, was a clean-cut, wholesome-looking contrast to the tough, arrogant old Powers. Four nights before the election, the IRS raided gambling dens in East Boston. Collins went on the 11 o’clock news and held up a photo of one of the bookie joints with a “Powers for Mayor” sign on it, along with a photo of Powers with the owner. Collins won by 24,000 votes. Photo: City of Boston Archives

curleythumbJames Michael Curley, the Rascal King, was a favorite of Boston’s poor Irish, but  loathed by the city’s establishment, especially William Cardinal O’Connell. He managed to serve four terms as mayor between 1914 and 1949, never consecutively and despite two convictions for corruption. He organized Irish immigrants into a powerful political force, spending freely on hospitals, parks and roads to create jobs. He liked call girls, speakeasies and fast cars, and several accidents that left people injured hurt his political career. Once invited to a Harvard commencement as governor, he wore knee breeches, stockings and a powdered wig. When the school’s marshals objected, he showed them a copy of the Massachusetts Bay Colony Charter, which prescribed his dress as proper. Photo: Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones collection.

manfieldthumbsFrederick Mansfield (1934-38) was described as  “spectacular as a four-day-old codfish and as colorful as a lump of mud.” He was believed to have the silent backing of William Cardinal O’Connell, the archrival of James Michael Curley, and later served as legal counsel for the archdiocese. A straitlaced Catholic, he banned a play called Within the Gates, which even the Watch and Ward Society approved. Forty-six theatregoers took the train to New York to see it there, prompting the New York Times headline, “46 Boston Rebels Elude Censor Here.” Photo: Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection

whitethumbKevin White: “Kevin from Heaven” brought Boston to life during his 16 years as mayor, not always in a good way. Elected mayor in 1968 at 38, he transformed a desolate wasteland into the popular Quincy Market, revitalized the waterfront, oversaw the development of multiuse Copley Place and began the gentrification of Boston Proper. He also presided over the anti-busing violence in South Boston. In 1972, White got word that the Rolling Stones were arrested by the Rhode Island police just before they were scheduled to play at the Boston Garden. White feared violence by the band’s young fans and convinced the police to release the Stones into his personal custody so they could play. He ran for governor in 1970 and was crushed by Frank Sargent, who blew him away by simply saying, “I am not a Boston politician.” He went on to serve three more terms as Boston mayor. Photo: City of Boston Archives

hynesJohn Hynes was Boston city clerk when Mayor Curley was sentenced to prison for (what else?) corruption. Hynes was appointed acting mayor during the five months that Curley was a guest of the state. President Truman pardoned Curley, who then made the mistake of badmouthing Hynes’ performance. Stung by the criticism, Hynes challenged Curley in the 1949 election and won. He ran on an anti-tax platform, with a slogan, “We can’t afford the city bosses anymore.” He had the backing of a young Harvard Law School graduate, Jerome Rappaport, who would be rewarded for his support. Hynes ushered through the demolition of the West End, which Rappaport redeveloped into luxury condominiums and made a fortune. Hynes beat Curley again in 1951 and 1955, retiring in 1960. Photo: Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection

tobinthumbMaurice Tobin defeated James Michael Curley in his bid for a fourth term as mayor. William Cardinal O’Connell was invoked in a newspaper editorial endorsing Tobin as “an honest, clean, competent young man.”  Tobin, a Boston College alumnus, was an ardent football fan. On Nov. 28, 1942 he watched Holy Cross trounce his beloved Eagles. Heartbroken, he opted out of the party planned afterward – at the Cocoanut Grove nightclub, where a fire would kill 490 people in 12 minutes. Before the fire, the club’s owner bragged he didn’t need to adhere to the fire code because his friend Tobin would never close it down. Tobin narrowly escaped indictment and pardoned the club owner after he spent four years in prison. He went on to become governor and U.S. Secretary of Labor under President Harry Truman. Photo: Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

PhillipsthumbJohn Phillips (1822-23). Boston’s first mayor thought the job would be a quiet, ceremonial honor that capped off his distinguished career as a state lawmaker. Shock and disappointment followed. He believed, he said in his inaugural speech, that city government didn’t have many responsibilities because its inhabitants were distinguished by “love of order, benevolent affections and Christian piety.” But Boston wasn’t a Puritan town anymore; it was a city of 44,000, many of whom were poor immigrants. The new city charter gave the mayor few powers anyway. Phillips was elected by an insurgent group of middle-class artisans and entrepreneurs, and he disappointed them with his passivity. A mysterious illness consumed him during his year in office, and he died shortly after stepping down in 1823. His son Wendell was far more forceful as the leader of Boston’s abolitionist movement. Photo: Boston Monthly Magazine, vol I, No. 4, 1825

nichols thumbMalcolm Nichols was the last Brahmin and the last Republican to serve as mayor of Boston. He had been a statehouse reporter for the Boston Traveler and political writer for The Boston Post , a lawyer, a state senator and a state representative. His wife, Edith, died in 1925; he was elected mayor the next year and married Edith’s twin sister. Photo: Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

stuartthumbJosiah Quincy: There were actually three Mayor Josiah Quincys, and yes, they were all related. They were also among Boston’s ablest mayors. The first, Josiah Quincy III, was “The Great Mayor.” He succeeded the hapless John Phillips in 1823 and served six one-year terms, during which Quincy Market was built, the fire and police departments reorganized, the streets cleaned, the municipal water supply conceived, brothels raided, the prisons reformed and the poor taken care of. His son, Josiah Quincy, Jr., mayor from1845-49, oversaw creation of the Cochituate Reservoir and pipes to bring municipal water to the city. His grandson, Josiah Quincy, “the last of Boston’s Brahmin Democrats,” served as mayor from 1895-99. He mobilized support for parks and subways, established the first municipal bureau of statistics and built schools and bathhouses. “Josiah Quincy,” oil on canvas, by the American Gilbert Stuart.  Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.[optinrev-inline-optin2]



The Mysterious Death of Starr Faithfull Reveals a Boston Mayor's Sordid Secret - New England Historical Society June 8, 2015 - 6:00 pm

[…] had been a congressman and Woodrow Wilson’s assistant Treasury secretary before he was elected mayor of Boston. Her mother assumed his interest in Starr was […]

Maria Chapman and Her Sisters Fight With Fairs Against Slavery - New England Historical Society July 12, 2015 - 3:34 pm

[…] angry mob of men tied to the cotton industry stood outside the building. Mayor Theodore Lyman asked the women to leave. Despite Maria’s refusal, the women were escorted through the crowd to […]

Flashback Photo: Boston Holds a Water Celebration in 1848 - New England Historical Society October 25, 2015 - 9:16 am

[…] Josiah Quincy proposed a public water supply for the growing city (the population would grow to 127,000 by 1848). […]

The Cocoanut Grove Fire and the Kid With a Match - New England Historical Society November 28, 2015 - 2:51 pm

[…] Holy Cross won in a rout, and some disappointed fans — including BC alumni Mayor Maurice Tobin — stayed away from the Cocoanut Grove that […]

Sonam February 11, 2016 - 10:29 pm

Before the whole cougar thing came into vogue, we used to call them skahrs back in the day. We even used to go to shark night at a local upscale bar where all the 40-something women in the area would go cruising in packs for younger man-meat. Cougar probably works better in this instance though. I don’t think many folks would plunk down money for a Shark Cruise.And, ahem, old man? Dude! I prefer middle-aged.

The L Street Brownies Midwinter Plunge Begins In A Quest for Moral Righteousness - New England Historical Society February 24, 2016 - 8:47 am

[…] change into their bathing trunks in a bathhouse built in 1931 by the rogue mayor James Michael Curley, who rebuilt the old bathhouse in 1931. The Curley Community Center replaced the L Street Bathhouse […]

In 1773, Ansell Nickerson Was a Dead Man Walking Until John Adams Stepped In - New England Historical Society August 24, 2016 - 7:15 am

[…] Nickerson found himself with two prominent lawyers at his aid – Josiah Quincy Jr. and John Adams. Adams studied the admiralty laws exhaustively and prepared for a June trial. But […]

The Night James Brown Saved Boston - New England Historical Society April 5, 2017 - 8:08 am

[…] broke out in North Dorchester and Roxbury immediately after the news broke of Dr. King’s death. Boston Mayor Kevin White feared it would get […]

The Mysterious Death of Starr Faithfull Reveals the Sordid Secret of a Boston Mayor - New England Historical Society June 8, 2017 - 6:42 am

[…] had been a congressman and Woodrow Wilson’s assistant Treasury secretary before he was elected mayor of Boston. Her mother assumed his interest in Starr was […]

Anti-Irish Know Nothing Mob Burns a Charlestown Convent in 1834 - New England Historical Society August 11, 2017 - 3:00 pm

[…] the immediate aftermath of the fire and riot, the official response was what you would expect. The mayor of Boston condemned the incident. Officials in Charlestown tried to deflect blame on the neighboring city of […]

The Kid Wrongly Blamed for the Cocoanut Grove Fire - New England Historical Society November 24, 2019 - 6:19 pm

[…] Holy Cross won in a rout, and some disappointed fans — including BC alumni Mayor Maurice Tobin — stayed away from the Cocoanut Grove that […]

The Boston Slave Riot of 1854 - New England Historical Society May 31, 2020 - 12:15 pm

[…] arrest horrified Wendell Phillips, the wealthy, 42-year-old son of Boston’s first mayor, and the rest of the city’s abolitionists. It wasn’t so much that the Fugitive Slave Act […]

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