Home Irregulars Signing the Declaration of Independence, John Trumbull
Declaration of Independence, John Turnbull, Connecticut. From the Connecticut Historical Society

Signing the Declaration of Independence, John Trumbull

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Today’s flashback comes via the Connecticut Historical Society, which served up a wonderful print of the Declaration of Independence, the historic painting by Connecticut’s John Trumbull commemorating the day when the Continental Congress received the Declaration for debate (Congress approved it, if you were wondering). The original is in the Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Declaration of Independence, John Turnbull, Connecticut. From the Connecticut Historical Society

Declaration of Independence, John Trumbull, Connecticut. From the Connecticut Historical Society

1 comment

Noah Webster Cures the Blues With a Spelling Book - New England Historical Society October 16, 2015 - 8:01 am

[…] writing, his college classmate Joel Barlow loaned him $500 to publish the book; another classmate, John Trumbull, lent him even more. The blue-backed speller has been published continuously since 1783 under […]

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