Home Business and Labor The Invention of the Fried Clam

The Invention of the Fried Clam

Its storied history began in 1916


On July 3, 1916, Lawrence ‘Chubby’ Woodman invented the fried clam – or at least as we know the revered mollusk today.fried -clams

It happened on a hot, steamy day in Essex, Mass. Chubby Woodman and his wife Bessie had opened a small concession stand on Main Street two years earlier. On weekends they sold small grocery items, homemade potato chips and clams that Chubby dug from the tidal flats of the Essex River.

That summer day a fisherman named Tarr came by for Chubby’s potato chips. Chubby complained business was slow. Tarr pointed to a bucket of clams and joked that Chubby should try to fry up some clams.

That was Chubby’s eureka moment.

The Fried Clam

He and Bessie shucked the clams, threw lard in the pot and experimented with different batters. When they came up with a version they liked, they asked some locals to taste them.

The Woodmans preferred method was to dip the clams in milk and then in a mixture of finely ground cornmeal and flour before deep frying.

The clams were a hit. Woodman’s sold out of fried clams on July 4 and has been selling them ever since.


Woodman’s of Essex, Mass.

In 1983, a New York Times reporter described Woodman’s as “a rambling barn of a place with wooden picnic tables, no waiters, lots of flies, and all the sophisticated ambiance of a Kiwanis Club cookout in Jersey City.”

Chubby and Bessie wrote important family dates on the back of their wedding certificate. Those dates included their two oldest sons’ birthdays and this: “We fried the first fried clam—in the town of Essex, July 3, 1916.”

Soft-shelled Ipswich clams dug out of muddy flats became the sine qua non of fried clams. Purveyors of the battered bivalve sprang up along the Mollusk Trail –- Route 133 from Rowley through Ipswich to Essex. Hordes come for fried clams In Essex at Woodman’s, run by descendants of Chubby Woodman, J. T. Farnham’s and Essex Seafood, and in Ipswich, the Clam Box.


The Clam Box

What makes the Ipswich clam so special? Cambridge chef Jasper White told the New York Times the soft-shell clams taste richer.

Sadly, Ipswich clams aren’t as plentiful as they used to be, thanks in part to development, pollution and the invasive green crab, which has an appetite for clams as voracious as a summer tourist.

Strips or Bellies?

Howard Johnson's in Kennebunk, Maine.

Howard Johnson’s in Kennebunk, Maine.

Clam shacks spread throughout New England. Not all used Ipswich clams. Cape Codders, for example,  use hard shell clams that come from the sandy ocean floor (sometimes causing a grit issue).

Howard Johnson’s brought the fried clam to the masses beyond New England with clam strips, an innovation from another Ipswich clam entrepreneur.

Thomas Soffron, a Greek immigrant and partner in the Soffron Brothers Clam Co., was said to be a picky eater who didn’t like clam bellies. He used only the foot of hard-shell clams, which he marketed as Tender-sweet Fried Clams. Soffron and his three brothers entered into an exclusive deal to provide clam strips for Howard Johnson’s while the restaurant empire was expanding. The Soffron brothers business grew to seven processing plants from Nova Scotia to Maryland to meet Howard Johnson’s demand.


Little Neck, Ipswich, around 1920

The ascent of the clam strip created an ongoing controversy in New England: Bellies or strips? Clam-belly advocates call the strips ‘fried rubber bands’ or ‘nothing but a bar snack.’ Strip advocates call the bellies ‘disgusting.’

Here’s another controversy: Did Chubby Woodman really invent the fried clam? They were listed on an 1865 menu from the Parker House hotel restaurant in Boston.

Presumably, clams then just weren’t the same as the modern fried clam — which, after all, is to New England as barbecue is to the South.

This story about the fried clam was updated in 2024. Flickr image of Woodman’s courtesy Massachusetts Office of Tourism, CC BY-ND 2.0. Flickr image of  Clam Box by Ed, CC BY 2.0.


woodworker26 August 4, 2016 - 7:07 pm

The story in regards to the Soffron Brothers and the Tender Sweet Fried Clams needs amending. There were four brothers. In order of age; Thomas, George, Peter and Stephen. They all played a role, however minor or major, in developing the Tender Sweet Fried Clam. Managing the “exclusive deal” would have involved all four of them. However, Peter and Stephen were well known for their business and negotiation skills. The source of this information is based on documentation and interviewing family members who worked with their uncles and father at Soffron Brothers Clams.

Salem Chop Suey Sandwiches, A Sign of Summer - New England Historical Society February 19, 2017 - 9:08 am

[…] famous for its fried clams in nearby Essex, Mass., offers a recipe for making your own chop suey in The Woodmans Restaurant […]

Clam Chowder Wars - One Mans Fight For Chowder Rights - Always Departing May 11, 2017 - 12:24 am

[…] was triumphant. “If a clam could vote, I would be elected President,” he […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Time Politcs August 19, 2018 - 5:51 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know August 19, 2018 - 6:06 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Gossipify August 19, 2018 - 6:10 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – House of Yummy August 19, 2018 - 7:55 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Natural Diet Life August 19, 2018 - 8:18 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – MEGA TRUCKS August 19, 2018 - 9:18 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – LISTENER365 August 19, 2018 - 9:21 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Muscle Cars Info August 19, 2018 - 9:31 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Healthy World Magazine August 19, 2018 - 9:40 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know | Very Tasty Recipe August 19, 2018 - 10:48 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Healthy Way of Life 365 August 19, 2018 - 11:04 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – ENTERTAINMENTIFY August 19, 2018 - 1:35 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Book 4 Healthy Life & Food August 19, 2018 - 2:37 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know - House of Smoothies August 19, 2018 - 3:27 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Healthy Corner August 19, 2018 - 4:42 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Natural Home Remedies August 19, 2018 - 5:04 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Foodie Paradise August 19, 2018 - 5:18 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Healthy Life Advice August 19, 2018 - 8:20 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Absolute Healthy August 20, 2018 - 5:14 am

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

5 Rhode Island clam shacks you need to know – Politics News August 30, 2018 - 7:50 pm

[…] Portsmouth opened in 1936 two decades after the fried clam was invented in Massachusetts in 1916, according to the New England Historical Society (because they knew a good thing when they tasted it). The Middletown spot is directly across the […]

Maine’s Great Clam Chowder War of 1939 - New England Historical Society December 9, 2018 - 2:46 pm

[…] waxed triumphant. "If a clam could vote, I would be elected President," he […]

Howard Johnson Goes From 1 Restaurant to 1000 and Back - New England Historical Society June 3, 2019 - 7:57 am

[…] such case was the Soffron Brothers of Ipswich, Mass. Intrigued by the brothers’ invention of “Tender-sweet Fried Clams,” clams with the bellies removed, Howard Johnson decided the product was the perfect way to sell […]

Rosalie P Harris July 7, 2019 - 12:13 pm

If you are writing a story about fried clams, then show a picture of fried clams, not fried clam strips.

Richard Lamasney July 7, 2019 - 6:25 pm

My take on the fried clam story runs as follows: Chub complained to a friend that he wasn’t selling as many steamer clams as he’d like and the friend suggested Chub toss a clam in his wife’s doughnut batter and he did and then fried it. The rest, as they say, is history!

Ruairi July 8, 2019 - 7:08 am

And no mention of the Chinese restaurant serving clams?. I’m sure there was a Jade Palace at the docks. Open 24 hours. They also served ‘clabs’.

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